
Sunday, July 31, 2011

July Achievements & August Goals

Goals for July:
1. Finish and send out Denise's winnings. Let's just put this off for another month, shall we?
2. Stitch on both UFO RRs. Yes, but I want to put some more hours into them.
3. 3. Work on Namaste. Sadly no.

Unplanned things:
Started Spring Blossoms Biscornu by The Sweetheart Tree

Goals for August:
1. Finish and send out Denise's winnings.
2. Stitch on both UFO RRs.
3. Finish Spring Blossoms Biscornu.
4. Finish off at least 2 of my in-progress bags.


mdgtjulie said...

Glad you met one of your goals Blu. I don't think I've ever managed to meet one, so I just don't set them, except in a very vague way. I.E. I want to get Jesus done sometime before Christmas.

Mouse said...

oooo well one ain't soooo bad .. hope you manage to get more done this month :) love mouse xxxx

Heather said...

I've got my fingers crossed for you for August. Hopefully the weather will be better. I know the heat has slowed down my desire to stitch.

Joysze said...

Good luck with your August goals, Blu!

Unknown said...

Good luck - I need to start poting goals again......