Today's post is a hodge-podge of things.
First: I finished my Jack-O-Lantern Scissors Fob. Started it yesterday but didn't assemble it till this evening. It's a
freebie by Casey Buonaugurio. You'll note that while lots of people are stitching Valentine themed stuff, I'm...on Halloween.

Jack O Lantern
28ct antique white LuganaThe blending filament is for scale. The tiny biscornu is my ex-fob and my Halloween Fob is on my flowery scissors.
This was fun and quick to stitch but a nightmare to finish. My first try I couldn't get the corners to lie properly, so I stitched down the corners for my second try. I have no idea how the queens of small finishes manage it! I have absolutely no desire to start another fob! (Also I don't have a scissor for it...3 fobs, 2 scissors)
Second: I decided it was high time I picked up a pair of pinking shears. My needlebooks so far have straight edged felt and since the pinked edges are so much cuter...
Anyway Michaels doesn't have them, so I drove over to Fabricland to be told that the ones they had were ~$50. For that kind of money they need to made of pure silver and sing as they cut! No pinking shears for me. My needlebook's felt will have straight edges.
That's all for stitching. The rest is just...sad, in a pathetic sort of way.
You know when you're driving downtown, through all those one way streets, around rush hour and there's that one idiot switching lanes, cutting you off and generally making you swear and shake your fist? That crazy drunk driver? Today, I was that person. Minus the drinking.
To make a short story long: my mum was going to take the bus downtown but since it was so cold I offered to drive her in. I've never driven in downtown anywhere, and never in a place with lots of one ways. I looked up the route on Google which lied to me. So I decided to accept my mum's directions and drive. All was perfect until I dropped my mum off and realized that the road I'd just driven down was a one-way and I didn't know how to get back. What followed was half an hour of me driving down random streets trying to find a road I recognized, cutting people off as I switched lanes and generally wreaking havoc across downtown Winnipeg. Clearly, I survived. But I am very sorry for all the people who were subjected to my driving.