Since finishing Something Wicked I've felt like working on just about all my WIPs. So a quick touch-everything rotation may in order.
I started Autumn Winds last February, but didn't get too much done. As it can out:

When I put it away:

Autumn Winds
28ct antique white Lugana
I think the main problem was trying to figure out how to tackle her. I know lots of folks go block by block for HAEDs. I though about doing that but I find that there's always one or two stitches in the next block and the block after and it seems silly not to just finish those off too and within a few symbols I'm wandering all over the place.
But I've come up with a strategy that works:
I pick one 10x10 square.
I pick one symbol.
I highlight every instance of that symbol I think I can reach without making a counting mistake regardless of how many blocks this traverses.
After I've stitched that symbol I colour it in with a different colour highlighter.
Then I go back to my original block and pick another symbol.
Repeat until all the symbols in that block are done.
Then I look for the next block that has an unstitched symbol and go on.
This way I get to wander all over and still finish things off block by block. As of right now I have 4 blocks done, and since there's only so much over one I can do without going crazy it's time for something else.
I think I'm going to grab How Does Your Garden Grow (in the Dark)? and see if I can figure out what blues I want to use...