Yet another unplanned mini-hiatus. I'm starting to feel like The Boy Who Cried Wolf! It's frustrating and irritating me because I know that I should be stitching and posting but I can't seem to do it. But I think we're all getting tired of my repeated whining and failings on that count so I'll just get to the stitching.
A little over half of the first page on Heather. The chart is in four parts and the first is a full page and the others aren't. I think I'm going to jump to page three, which is the one right below because it has less stitches than page two.

25ct Antique White Lugana
I really love the colour of her eye, even though it felt like there were a billion colours making it up. And her hair! I haven't seen pink hair that works in real life, but I absolutely love it here. The flash picks up a lot of the white bits where the thread doesn't quite cover the fabric, but it isn't as noticeable in person. And I think HAEDs are best seen at a little distance so hopefully it won't really matter.