The result is somewhat dubious and raises some questions I'm hoping someone out there can answer:
1. How do I get the seam to be the same size? I'm having trouble since it's not a straight line but a curve.

2. How do I get the arc of the circle to be smoother? So that it actually looks round instead of having bits that stick out?
3. Is there any way to get rid of those puckers or do all round pincushions have them?
Any other tips to make it look better?
I've already learnt that I need a much longer piece of thread to wind around if I want the pincushion to be divided into sixths.
Did you make little cuts in the seam allowance before you turned it?
I've been meaning to make myself one of those. There is also a knitting pattern for them too. I might try it as well.
Yours look perfectly fine, but if you want some tips, these tutes that might help:
Personally, I'd have to handsew it to get it to be even...I'm no good on the sewing machine. You might want to start with a more "forgiving" fabric like wool felt. It will smooth out any teeny corners you inadvertently create.
Also, once you get more divisions (six or eight), that will help "stretch" the seams and cover up the bits that stick out. If you want to estimate how long the thread should be to do the wrap, wrap it loosely around the pincushion 1/2 the number of divisions you want, then add about 6" (for starting/stopping). For example, for eight divisions, wrap around four times. Maybe you already figured it out. =)
Looks good to me! But if want some ideas on some of your questions - if you clip the curves before turning and stuffing, it may help with the puckers. And more stuffing with help smooth it out. And, I agree, more divisions - make a waste knot and start with another new thread and add more divisions if you really want.
Check this site out I have used it for multiple projects.
Lovely pincushion...i love the green and red combo.
you should have stuffed it little more...to get more finished look. otherwise it looks perfect.
Great try!!! it's lovely
I cut my circles with pinking shears and stitch just the quarter inch in. When I stitch it closed, I begin with my thread just beofe the open and take tiny stitches pulling gently. The I also have 8 divisions which helps smooth things out a bit. I have a picture of my finished ones on my page under pincushion....
I think it looks fine, you don't see the seam when it sits straight.
I can't help as I yet to make one myself, maybe tomorrow??!!
I think it looks ok. To help smooth the edges where the seam is, you need to notch the seam allowance (cut tiny triangles around the perimeter).
I think it looks great! I'm not able to answer any of your questions since I've not tackled one of these yet.
I finished a BBD like this last year and when I blogged it, I included a few tips and tricks: http://kvstitching.wordpress.com/2010/09/16/a-sweet-little-pincushion/ HTH!
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