As promised: To celebrate 100 (now 103) followers, a giveaway.
I've already gushed about this, so I'll spare you the blatherings ;) Now, I know there are a lot of biscornu makers out there, but I also see people who have yet to embrace it for varied reasons. This is for folks who want to increase their collection, folks who want a biscornu without the work ;), folks who just want a stamp from Canada, etc.
Details here, but this is Lenka's Heart Biscornu that I modified the tiniest (ok, a lot). They are both exactly the same, but this way you get to see both sides.

To make this a bit more fun, there will be two winners. The first will win one of the above biscornu & The Sweetheart Tree's "Spring Blossoms" biscornu kit. The kit comes with everything except the stuffing.

Old friends, chronic commenters, silent lurkers, curious newcomers, all and sundry are welcome to enter.
The Facts:
First place winner: Heart biscornu & The Sweetheart Tree's Spring Blossoms kit
Second place winner: Heart biscornu
The Rules:
The following two statements must be present for your entry to count:
I wish to enter (or something to that effect)
I have never stitched a biscornu, but I will soon. OR I have stitch ___ biscornus and my favourite is ____. (Hey, I'm always on the lookout for more patterns)
The Small Print:
You do not have to be a follower to enter. You do not have to blog about this to count (however I would appreciate it~)
I can and will ship anywhere. (Although if you're from somewhere I think is exotic I may beg a postcard in return~)
I will announce the winner here and send an email (if possible). You have a week to respond after which I'll pick someone else.
July 31, 2010. 10:00 PM Winnipeg Time
If you're still here after that wall of text: Good luck and may the Randomizer be on your side!
OH! ME ME!!! Ahem...
I wish to enter, please :)
I have never stitched a biscornu, but I will soon; my first attempt was a catastrophic failure so I am currently stitching up my second attempt. I think it would be nice to receive a pre-stitched one though!
Oh yes please - that's a lovely couple of biscornu you've got!
I would very much like to enter :)
I have stitched a mini biscornu (as part of an exchange, 20 x 20 stitches) but it got lost in the post between here (UK) and Australia so I'm now stitching another one (which is nearly done) I did start on Loopy Lou Designs Hearts & Flowers Biscornu but I had a little mishap (see here) so I don't seem to be having much luck with them!
(I'll pop a link to this in my sidebar)
I wish to enter, thank you for the chance.
I have never stitched a biscornu, I have only seen them on blogs, i have not yet seen them here in the Uk, but I have to amit I do not shop often, my budget and husband would be in dire condition if I did. I reside in Hampshire along the south coast of England, on the map if you find the island, "Isle of Wight", we live on the mainland just above it, and yes we are very lucky with the sea so close.
Oooh please enter me! I have stitched several biscornus and I think my favourite would be the blackwork elizabethan one from one of the GoS mags. I sent it away as part of an exchange. Well, i don't live anywhere exotic just in the hills of England but I would be glad to send you a postcard lol. x
I'd love to be entered! (And not just to get a stamp from Canada ;) )
I've stitched 5 biscornus and my favourite is Ia! Ia! from Periphaeria Designs. (I think you need to be a fan of H.P. Lovecraft to appreciate it.) I also love the ones from Faby Reilly, but I haven't stitched any of them.
I would love an opportunity to enter this giveaway! Thanks!!
I have stitch 1 biscornu and my favourite is, well, the 1. LOL...I haven't really done too much finishing yet with my stitched pieces, but do plan to make more in the future.
I wish to enter the giveaway. I have never stitched a biscornu but I am sure I will get to one in the future. Congrats on your 100th follower.
I wish to enter you giveaway Blu :o)
I have stitched Biscornus before. Three actually. I think my favorite was my very first because it was SO tiny. I have found that patterns from My Aunt's Attic work really well for them :o)
I wish to enter
I have never stitched a biscornu, but I will soon. I've just been to chicken to try and stitch one up. Maybe this will be the turning point.
I wish to enter your giveaway please.
I love biscornus and I LOVE Sweetheart Tree designs. I once did a Sweetheart Tree Band Sampler RR and it was stunning.
I have stitched many biscornus and my favorite was one that my BFF and I stitched for a friend of ours who was working on a large piece for her family that had these huge cows with quilts. We called her Judie of the Cows for quite some time. We stitched her a biscornu with cows on it and it got a great laugh. It was a freebie.
I wish to enter your giveaway!
I bought that one biscornu. You told me I should try one out before I do that one. I'm slightly scared to try it since I've never stitched on anything but aida. (i'm working on that though) But I did start a biscornu the other night. Look at my blog it's almost finished now. It's by Faby Reilly. I think it would have to be my favorite since it's the only one I've done!
I would love to be entered into your draw!
I've never stitched a biscornu myself but I certainly intend to. I have several patterns in my stash. The ones I like the most are by Barabara Ana. They're such fun looking designs.
Please enter me!
I haven't yet tried to stitch a biscornu and would love to try :)
kimberlybreid at hotmail dot com
Please enter me. I have never stitched a biscornu and wish to try.
Please enter me in your drawing! I have stitched several--my favorites are freebies from the My Aunt's Attic (Tantes Zolder) blog.
Oh I'm loving this! Please enter me :)
I stitched 2 biscornus and my favourite is this one :)
Next biscornu I'll make probably will be by Barbara Ana, I love the kokeshis designs!
Well, I'm from Portugal, I'm not from an exoctic country but anytime you'd like to trade a postcard, let me know ;)
I wish to enter for this wonderful giveaway.
I have stitched biscornus before but I have never stitched one from the Sweetheart Tree range. Thank you so much for this opportunity.
Melissa (mel06lee @ yahoo dot com
Oh yes, please enter me for this lovely giveaway!
I only discovered biscornus about a year ago, and have probably stitched about 6 so far. The one I'm most proud of was using a blackwork design by Nancy Pederson; Elizabethan biscornu (issue 24 of THE GIFT OF STITCHING).
So far, I've only stitched three biscornus. The first two turned out fine, the third not so.
I'd love to be included in your drawing. I'll put a bit in my next MM update about your drawing.
I would like to be entered to win the biscornu only, not the chart. I will be honest and say I love the look of biscornus, but know I will never stitch one. So, I hope I win yours! LOL.
Hola Blu, primero felicidades!!!
me gustaria participar del concurso.
He llegado aqui gracias a Meari.
Me gustan mucho los biscornus.
He hecho varios free, y de diferentes tamaños. Incluso he usado abalorios ya que me encanta como quedan.
Esta marca que vos mostras es una de las mas lindas!!!
Si lo deseas puedes pasar por mi blog para ver los que he hecho.
El ultimo aun no lo he publicado porque es una sorpresa para una amiga.... en una semana seguro estara tambien.
Bueno, gracias y adelante!!
I'd love to enter your giveaway.
I've only gotten into biscornu stitching these last few months and have done 4 since may, two tiny ones for an exchange and two bigger ones (on for my Xmas tree and one for an exchange). I love the Faby Reilly freebies as well as the ones on Blackwork journey as the patterns often remind me of the architecture here in Abu Dhabi.
I wish to enter your giveaway Blu
I have never stitched a biscornu but I would love to soon.
Thanks for holding this :)
I would love to be included in your giveaway please! I love to stitch biscornu and have done a few different types. I particularly like the Sweetheart Tree designs but have not stitched the design you are offering. Have enjoyed reading your blog!!
hola me encantaria participar yo he hecho un par de biscornus pero aun quiero hacer alguno mas a ver si los prfecciono pues no me acaban de salir bien
mi email es
your biscornu are beautiful, I especially love them and I made some, I'll leave the link to visit and see me, Please enter me in your drawing, maybe I have luck.
Hi Blu!
To date I have not made any biscornu, but I would like to.
Very beautiful are the draw, I would like to participate in your drawing.
I wish to enter and your biscornus are lovely.
I have stitched a bunch of biscornus and my favourite is old freebie by stickfee but there are so many lovely ones.
I enjoy your blog even if I don't get to comment all the time. I love and
I did a Sweetheart Tree last year and it would be nice to try another.
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