So spurred on by several people I decided to give Sleepy Hollow my best shot. So I stitch happily until this:

Sleepy Hollow
32 ct Thunderstorm
Swore profusely when I realized that I'd made a counting mistake and frogged 45 minutes until this:

And then I pushed on until: :

I've actually gotten a bit more of the grass done than in the picture. The plan is to finish the grass, then get back to the border, stitch the tree and gravestone, the moon, the clothes and finish it off with the pumpkin.
As far as the moon goes I haven't decided if I want to use the Waterlily. The model moon has a stripy look (which I've mentioned a billion times that I don't care for in non-geometric designs). The question is whether I want to use a yellowish DMC, or go with a metallic for a sparkly moon. So what are the suggestions? Stitch with Waterlily, go with DMC, or go sparkly?
Wow, it looks really good! I've read that if you want more subtle variation from an overdyed thread, you can stitch with it the same way you stitch with regular solid colour floss: stitch the bottom half of the cross all the way across the row, then stitch the top half of the cross all the way back. Maybe an idea for the moon?
That horse is gorgeous! Great job.
Wow, you've gotten a lot done! It looks fantastic!
I am LOLing at your comment on my post. I would have eaten the chocolate and replaced it if I could find those here. Well, the Cadbury I could if I looked hard enough but the rest, no.
Too bad the frog came to visit but it's looking great :) I'm sure the Waterlily, DMC or sparkly would all look good. Love the material choice.
This is just a wonderful design you are stitching,
Sorrie to hear about your frog problems :( Glad to see it went pretty well after that. I love love love the fabric! I say go with the sparkly only because I love it. However, I have a suggestion... have you heard of the DMC Light Effects Glow In-The-Dark Embroidery Floss? It actually glows in the dark which would give the piece an eerie look. I think that would go well with this particular project. You can blend it with another color like yellow or metallic threads if you like too.
Lovely progress despite the visit from the frogs. I think I would go for sparkly thread.
Beautiful Blu, your horse looks amazing. Don't you hate it when the frogs visit!
Sorry about the frog but it is looking fab. Can;t wait to see more.
At least you've got the frogs out of your system! I love this piece. I'm not big on sparkly threads, so I'd go with one of the other choices myself. But I don't mind stripey either. You can use the variegated and just not stitch in rows... do it in random blobs so you can avoid the stripes.
I have just had some big problems with the metallic blending filament when stitching my swap projects so I vote for Caron Water Lilyes.
What ever you choose ,it will look great,I am sure1
Sleepy Hollow is looking great, Blu--the horse is magnificent (even if he did have a little visit from the frog). I'm not big on the stripey look either, but am not a metallic fan, so I agree with Annie--try just randomly placing stitches of the waterlily color to get a variegated look without the stripes. Good luck :)
OH, I so know where you are coming from with that large amount of counter stitching. You have, however, done such a wonderfuul job of getting back and beyond your mistake. I love how this is coming together and I love your fabric.
Beautiful progress
Looking great! I would go sparkly. That was my favorite part about stitching Mira's, the Kreinik.
Great progress Blu! Love the fabric color. At least you didn't have to frog the border ;o)
Okay, this is TOO weird! Could not see the second or third photo in Firefox or Explorer but could in Google Chrome...
Love the progress that you have made. I don't like sparkley so I would go one of the other ways.
Fabulous progress even with the time spent frogging. Simply gorgeous.
I have this one in my want to pile. It's gorgeous! Sorry about the frogging. Great progress!
Way to push through the frogs! Looks awesome! As for the moon - can you find a hand dyed floss without much variation?
Can't wait to see more!
No More Frogging!!!!
Now that border looks fun to stitch, who could get bored.
I have to dig and see if I have this one.
Absolutely beautiful! I think my vote goes to something sparkly.
I love this piece...what a wonderful job you are doing on it too!!
Wonderful progress, it's looking fabulous!
This design (and fabric) showed up on my doorstep this past weekend and your pics are definitely making me think I need to get it started! LOL
I like Christine's idea of evening the color changes and will probably do that on my own.
Wow, you've made incredible progress! It looks fantastic!
I love Veronica's idea of the glow in the dark floss. I think it would look so cool!
You could still use the overdyed thread if you tent stitched in one direction then went back and crossed them in the other. You would get a more mottled, subtle look without the striping. But I think sparkly might be fun too!
What a wonderful stitching. I love those colors !!
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