
Tuesday, May 31, 2011

May Achievements & June Goals

Goals for May:
1. Start something new. Yes, Sapphire and Namaste
2. Stitch on both UFO RRs. Well, I stitched a bit on one and not at all on the other

Goals for June:
1. Stitch, finish and send out Denise's winnings.
2. Stitch on both UFO RRs.
3. Finish something. Anything!
4. Leave comments (since I don't think I left a single one in May).

Well, at least I met one goal.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Mission Complete

We at the Organization would like to congratulate the 28 agents that completed the previous mission. (A special acknowledgment of Agent Jo who submitted her paperwork 2 minutes before the deadline)

TSCESR (The Sub-Committee for Evaluating the Submitted Reports) was unable to reach a consensus on the most suitable candidate for AWMSCTM ("Agent Who Most Successfully Completed The Mission"), and the final decision was determined by TR (The Randomizer).

Agent Denise please contact your HRR (Human Resources Representative) in order to fill out the requisite paperwork in triplicate.

We, the management, wish to congratulate all agents who completed the mission and would like to remind each and every one of you that you are a valuable member of the Organization and that there is no "I" in "TEAM"*

*Note: Management has no comment regarding the fact that there is a "ME" in "TEAM".

Monday, May 23, 2011


I refer to my posts this month where I'm either wailing about the disappearance of my mojo or showing off something new.

I'd make claims about stopping, but today's post featuring my 9 hours of stitching over the last 3 days that make up the May Long Weekend showcase both:
I have a new start
And considering that I've previously stitched ~ 30 hours in 4 days, 9 in 4 is a bit of a fall.

I'm not a September baby. I don't think I know anyone who's one. I don't care for my fairy (May), however I think that Mirabilia's newest fairy makes for a pretty good Emerald May.

She's actually titled September's Sapphire Fairy, but I don't see how that fits since (to me) sapphires are blue (except maybe the obi but that's black-blue not sapphire-blue).

I love that green kimono and the blue-black obi. I'm leaving out the wings and haven't made up my mind about the trailing vines/fronds/things.

September's Sapphire Fairy
32 ct Waterlily Jobelan

Since the green kimono is the main attraction I thought I'd get some of the black-blue out of way first. Imagine my shock when it turns out that one of the major colours is 3371, Nora's favourite brown! Not a colour I was expecting! If you squint at the model you can tell that there's brown, but at first glance? No way!

PS. I'm glad so many people are enjoying my giveaway. And if you haven't entered why not?

Saturday, May 21, 2011

A Mission

As hinted at previously, I present my 200 followers giveaway. And since I'm in a bit of a silly/funny mood it comes with a mission...

Your mission should you choose to accept it:

1). Go online and find a picture of Prairie Schooler's "Sweeping Cobwebs". Alternatively, check your stash!
2). Look at the rightmost frame and pick your favourite of the six motifs
3). Decide whether you prefer a pincushion, pinkeep/scissors holder, or a small bag
4). Let me know in the comments
5). Feel free to tell anyone you think is interested in playing along

This message will be locked on the 25th of May at 4:37 pm Central Time.

Good luck!

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ponderous Ponderings

Rebekah very generously RAK'd me with "No Late Knight Snacking" a few weeks ago. This is such a cute chart (like all Dragon Dreams) and I can't say enough how much I love this new addition to my stash!

Ages and ages ago Nancy held a giveaway where everyone was a winner. Fast forward to last week(?) where I received these two lovelies in the mail! I just love the one with the birds.

My brief bit of stitching mojo has faded again. This is somewhat worrisome since I have two UFORR pieces that haven't seen a stitch. One's due to go out at the end of the month. That's still two weeks, but the way my stitching's been going?

This hasn't stopped me from planning a few more projects...As of now I have the following fully kitted and ready to start:
Egyptian Sampler - TWDesignworks
Deco Spirits - Mirabilia
Lily of the Valley - Nora Corbett
Cinderella - Mirabilia
Celtic Autumn - Lavender and Lace
Cirque des Triangles - Ink Circles
Cirque des Carreaux - Ink Circles

And when the charts arrive I'll have "Sweeping Cobwebs" by Prairie Schooler and "September's Sapphire Fairy" by Mirabilia ready to go as well.

Anyone up for a SAL? A semi-serious one with a prize for the winner? We can try to mutually inspire each other. Any of the kitted ones (except Celtic Autumn) or if we've got a WIP in common? I need some sort of boot to prod me...

Friday, May 13, 2011

New Things

On the day that I feel like grabbing a needle and starting something new Blogger goes down. There's some sort of lesson in that.

32ct white Lugana

Originally I was planning on stitching this on a linen band so that finishing would be easy. Then I realized that I had to special order in the linen, or that I could just use part of a fat quarter and sew it finished.The quicker way won.

The plan is to stitch all the black first and then finish off motif by motif.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's About Time

No, the mojo is still MIA. I'm talking about my last giveaway (that one in January), which I finally assembled and sent out last month.

Add in that Kathy had completely forgotten that she'd won, and my note had gotten buried...

That's actually the first pincushion I've ever made. It's dead easy and I'll definitely be making more.

You can't really tell but the back has a pocket.

Making this was an interesting experience and I'm very glad Kathy likes it (she has a ton more pictures on her blog) and I definitely learned a lot which will be useful, since I see that I have 200 followers.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011


When the mojo is slow and you aren't really looking at any blogs it's just a lucky chance if you remember the New Moon;)